A Soldier Approached A Nun

Once upon a time, in a quaint little town, there lived a mischievous yet charming young man named Jimmy. Jimmy was notorious for his knack for getting into trouble, but he always managed to find a way out with his quick wit and silver tongue.

One sunny afternoon, Jimmy found himself in a bit of a predicament. You see, he had gotten himself mixed up in a small scuffle with some unruly characters who were none too pleased with his antics. As luck would have it, he found himself running for his life, desperately seeking refuge from the impending doom that seemed to be chasing him at every turn.

In his moment of desperation, Jimmy spotted a convent nestled at the end of a serene cobblestone street. Without a second thought, he dashed towards the convent gates, hoping beyond hope that he could find sanctuary within its hallowed walls.

Breathless and panting, Jimmy stumbled upon a nun who happened to be tending to the convent garden. “Please, may I hide under your skirt,” he pleaded, his voice quivering with fear. “I will explain everything later, I promise!”

Now, the nun, being of kind heart and gentle spirit, couldn’t help but feel sympathy for the poor lad. With a compassionate smile, she nodded her head and allowed Jimmy to seek refuge beneath her voluminous habit.

No sooner had Jimmy hidden himself away when two burly military policemen came charging down the street, their boots pounding against the cobblestones like thunder. Spotting the nun, they rushed over, their faces flushed with urgency.

“Sister, have you seen a soldier?” one of the policemen barked, his voice stern and authoritative.

The nun, maintaining her composure, calmly replied, “Why yes, he went this way,” gesturing in the opposite direction with a serene smile.

Relieved, the policemen nodded their thanks and hurried off in pursuit of their quarry, leaving Jimmy hidden safely beneath the nun’s skirt.

As the coast cleared and the danger passed, Jimmy emerged from his hiding spot, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. “Thank you, Sister,” he said, his voice filled with gratitude. “I owe you one!”

The nun chuckled softly, patting Jimmy on the shoulder. “Remember, my child, honesty is always the best policy,” she said with a knowing wink.

And with that, Jimmy bid farewell to his unlikely savior, vowing to stay out of trouble for at least a day or two. But knowing Jimmy, it was only a matter of time before he found himself in another sticky situation, ready to charm his way out of trouble once again.


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